Cant believe I've been living so long in this world.. feels like a short while. My mind thinks only of the present moment, But my memory does not fail me as I am reminded of a long past.
A past I pleasantly think of... A lot of memories, from my childhood, youth and every little phase of growth..
Why does life change so constantly?
Why do we grow up?
Why should we move on?
I have spent several trillion seconds on earth.. I want every second to be meaningful...
But by God's grace I have nothing to regret till this second...nothing to regret but a lot to cherish. And I pray that by the grace of God and the guidance of His spirit, i may take every step in life in the name of Jesus, with confidence and never regret it.
Cos i like happy endings :) May I live to spread the love and peace which I receive through Christ. I want to be an example to others, and want to give another reason to live for those who are suffering in their present life. I want to make my life meaningful.. but not just to myself.. but to all my fellow beings. For everyone is beloved in the sight of God.

I am writing this, at a point when I have taken a decision to move on, from one one scene to another, in the play of 'My Life' (or 'Life of Bue' if you please .. Haha) and such a day is not the first of its kind , in my life. I have moved on many a times, from being a baby to a school kid, from one school to another, from writing in lead, to writing in ink, from short pinafores to salwars, from school to college, from cultural to symposiums, from first semester to eighth semester, from college student to 2012 pass-out, from student to employee, from having class mates to colleagues and team mates. From lead by principal to manager, from appointment confirmation to resignation. Life s constantly changing, today i have realized that its about time I make my life exponentially improve, in peacefulness, happiness, friendship, love and everything thing else that is good. I know I'll do it.. But only by the grace of God!
I don't like this moving on business :( but after trying to analyse my life and after writing this down.. I feel a lot better now... However I will surely miss being in what has passed.
But i m happy I am going to a new scene, with new actors and a new part to play. But I will always remember my actual role which is to entertain the audience, which in my play of life is God and His
P.S : Ecclesiastes Ch:3
11 God has made everything fit beautifully in its
appropriate time, but he has also placed ignorance in the
human heart so that people cannot discover what God has
ordained, from the beginning to the end of their lives.
12 I have concluded that there is nothing better for people
than to be happy and to enjoy themselves as long as they live,
13 and also that everyone should eat and drink, and find
enjoyment in all his toil, for these things are a gift from God.
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