Monday, 15 April 2013

My New Weapon

It was a fine morning and a finer one than any other morning, because I decided to read my Bible.

With a blank mind, I opened and read. And soon I was reminded about the previous night, when I was (Ironically it was April 1st, so I'd say) fooled by an Admit from a University which was for a course that I did not apply to. So, feeling dejected, I decided to pray about it and turned to a different page. Psalm 31. I read the tag line ‘Trust in God’. And with my never failing trust in God read it as a prayer from my heart.

And the first miracle happens, Checked my mail after my Bible reading session that very day and saw that I had received my most awaited admit. Praise the Lord.

And the days passed by, I was basking in the love of God, and was thankful to Him for making my days happy. Nothing can ever stop me from Praising God. Even when I’m sad, I have no reason to be so, and the sadness passes because of the realisation of God’s real presence in my life.
Meanwhile, a dear cousin of mine (@Abbs)  was in a similar need, was confused about her future and career. She is like a soul mate to me. We share and care for each other. Unlike me, she had to wait a real long time, just so that you would understand the marvel in God’s deeds, it was a 2years wait. And now she was dejected, almost giving up on her dream, confused as to why God let her have a dream which he would not fulfill.

So another fine morning turned finer as I decided to read the Bible (It was 14th April 2013 , Sunday, hence had to rush through the reading) and wanted to discuss with God about Abbs. I opened Psalm 31 and expecting a miracle again, read it as a prayer as being said by Abbs. I told God that I put my trust in Him, and so does Abbs, and that a wait for 2 years was too long and I told Him I wanted an answer ‘TODAY right NOW! And It has to be the best for Abbs!!'

Then the second miracle happens, 9:30 in the night, that very Sunday, Abbs calls and tells me she received an admission mail that she has been awaiting. Praise the Lord!
Pride filled me! God was listening to me. I was so happy, and I felt like a child who’s been spoilt with excess love, I felt warm and peaceful. I have a new weapon, a weapon against hardships not of mine alone, but of all others who need it. But it’s a weapon a little child uses to get favours from her loving Father.

Isn’t it a great start of spring 2013? All I can do is wait for more fine mornings to pray over someone else’s need. And testify to the miracles that follow.

PS: Every Psalm(prayer) has its power. 
Gentle Advise: Some people stick to reading a few psalms, no harm whatsoever, but don’t miss to discover the meaning of other psalms as well.

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